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Face The Future Success

Our Aesthetics team in Tekno Surgical were delighted with the success of their first “Face The Future” event on Monday in The K-Club. With 50 delegates, 5 guest speakers and 9 exhibitors, we had a full house and an agenda not to be missed!

This Aesthetics Business Seminar gave our delegates the opportunity to connect and meet with industry experts and discuss a wide range of critical topics chosen for the development of their clinics and to help increase their customer reach. Topics included business development, marketing and the ultimate trending hot topic; GDPR.

The seminar opened with Hugh Jones. Hugh Jones is the co-founder of Sytorus Ltd, a specialised provider of Data Protection Training, Consultancy and Assessment Services. Hugh brought our audience through the 7 critical areas for Data Management Principles of GDPR which should be adopted by all businesses at this stage and the information was well received by all clinic and business owners at the event. 

Next up was the industries Beauty Business Expert; Liz McKeon. Liz brought our audience through some savvy tips and tricks on how to increase your revenue and your salon success. Liz also discussed her “10 Reasons to Retail” and encouraged the audience to take her free business health check which can be found on the link below:


Following on from Liz, we had the opportunity to listen to Michelle Duff (M Powered Collective) and Geraldine Jones (MediSkin). Michelle gave an overview of how to market your aesthetic business and some key tips that you can put in place to take your business to the next level. Using the savvy “SOSTAC” plan from PR Smith, Michelle guided the audience through a logical framework that can help a business owner understand where their business currently sits in the market against competitors and how to identify ways to market their offerings by utilizing key marketing tactics and tools. Michelle demonstrated the use of her Marketing Strategy and success following on from her work with the ultimate industry entrepreneur; Geraldine Jones.

Geraldine Jones is a trained skincare expert with over 13 years’ experience. She has gone from working alone to a having a team of 10 in just three short years and runs a highly successful clinic in Tipperary called Mediskin. Geraldine took the audience through her journey, from the beginning of her venture right through to her success to date. She couldn’t have spoken more highly about her team and her own dedication to meeting their needs. She strives to ensure her staff get their dream working hours and by the end of her talk, it was obvious that the “Joneses effect” was rippling through the minds of our audience.

To finish our Face the Future business seminar, Tekno Surgical welcomed Louise Taylor to the stage. Louise Taylor is a Director and co-founder of Aesthetic Technology Ltd, manufacturers of the multi-award winning Dermalux® LED Phototherapy systems. With a background in running aesthetic clinics, Louise has become an industry expert in the field of LED Phototherapy from both a technical and commercial point of view and gave an in depth talk about the development and success of LED Therapy and the benefit of Dermalux treatments for your customers.  

Louise has been integral in the development and success of the Dermalux brand. With over 1,000 installed systems worldwide, the investment of R&D, LED technology and client support has secured Dermalux as a superior LED device with outstanding results.

In addition to our informative presentations and discussions, delegates also had to opportunity to meet with our exhibitors which included; Sam from Sytorus, Ciara from Caci, Jenny from Liz McKeon, Geraldine from Mediskin, Mairead from the Bronwyn Conroy Institute, Kim from Beautiful Jobs, and our very own Clinical Trainer; Emily Byrne who was on hand to give free Dermalux treatments throughout the event.

From all in Tekno Surgical, we would like to thank everyone who attended the event and a big thank you to all our speakers and exhibitors. We are excited to plan our next event and we look forward to seeing you all next year! 


Face The Future Agenda


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