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Tekno Surgical are excited to announce our first “Face the Future” Aesthetics Business Seminar. Join us at our upcoming Aesthetics Seminar where you will have the opportunity to meet industry experts and discuss a wide range of critical topics that can aid the development of your clinics business and help to increase your customer reach.
As a business immersed in the Aesthetic industry for more than 15 years, we have come to recognise the reoccurring questions in which we find our customers seeking answers for, namely topics relating to business development, marketing and the ultimate trending hot topic; GDPR.
Our bespoke seminar will explore these trending topics with the help of our carefully selected team of guest speakers. We will be delighted to welcome Hugh Jones (Sytorus ltd), Liz McKeon Limited, (Beauty Business Expert), Michelle Duff (M Powered Collective), Geraldine Jones (MediSkin), Louise Taylor (Aesthetic Technology Ltd) to our stage.
We hope that the insight you receive on the day will give you a greater understanding of key business requirements and give you the confidence to return to your own clinic and apply the knowledge for the benefit of your business and customers.
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If you have any queries or if you are needing some advice then please don’t hesitate to contact us and we could help you within minutes.
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